Other Skin Conditions That Bring About Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris occurs when small, acne-like bumps appear on the surface of the skin in rough patches. These bumps are generally located on the arms, thighs, buttocks, and occasionally the cheeks. Individuals experience keratosis pilaris as the result of the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein, in hair follicles. This keratin buildup creates plugs that prevent hairs from pushing through to the surface of your skin, which leads to unsightly, rough bumps on the skin's surface. 

Although keratosis pilaris can occur in otherwise-healthy individuals, existing skin conditions can predispose you to developing this disorder. The reasons behind the body's buildup of keratin are currently unknown, but keratosis pilaris often appears to occur in association with other skin conditions or genetic diseases in some patients. 

Any skin condition that involves dryness or moisture loss can contribute to developing keratosis pilaris. For example, many patients experience worsened symptoms during winter when humidity is low, as the harsh weather conditions can prompt the skin to experience moisture loss. People with eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) can be prone to the symptoms of keratosis pilaris, as their itchy, dry, reddened skin can be vulnerable to other skin problems. Similarly, individuals with ichthyosis who experience long-term thick, dry, and scaly skin are also more likely to have keratosis pilaris as well. Although no clear method of causation has been discovered, keratosis pilaris is also frequently seen in those with xerosis, which involves symptoms like dry, irritated skin that is cracked or feels tight, especially after bathing. Keratosis pilaris has also been associated with skin conditions that are related to allergic reactions and asthma, although this has not received much clinical attention yet. 

Researchers have noted that keratosis pilaris is often observed by physicians in otherwise-healthy patients who are visiting dermatologists for the treatment of other skin conditions and complaints. If you are experiencing a skin condition that is causing you concern or discomfort, see your doctor or a dermatologist to diagnose and to address your symptoms. He or she can suggest various therapies and over-the-counter treatments to alleviate your discomfort and to promote well-moisturized skin.  

This article based on the "Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™".
Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™ is a digital program consisting of a completely safe, cheap and 100% NATURAL way to treat keratosis pilaris from the comfort of one's home.
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