Is Keratosis Pilaris Curable?

Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition that affects nearly 40% of all adults, in addition to approximately 50% to 80% of all adolescents. Those who suffer from this problem experience small raised bumps that occur in patches along the surface of their skin. Despite claims to the contrary, clinical research indicates that keratosis pilaris cannot be cured by any medical treatment or by any lifestyle alteration. 

Studies demonstrate that "no cure or universally effective treatment is available" for keratosis pilaris. This is likely due to the condition's genetic predisposition: because keratosis pilaris is inherited from one or both of your parents, it is unlikely that any treatment can negate the effects of such a strong genetic factor. Additionally, its genetic influence also means that keratosis pilaris cannot be fully prevented by any supplement, cream, or other treatment. Sometimes, however, the condition clears on its own without extensive treatment. This is often the case for patients who reach mid-adulthood, as many people with keratosis pilaris report a dramatic reduction in their symptoms by age 30. Other individuals may experience lifelong keratosis pilaris with alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. 

Although keratosis pilaris is cosmetically unpleasing, the condition is not medically serious and rarely poses any significant health complications. Despite the strong genetic influence of keratosis pilaris and the inability to prevent it, following a regular skincare-treatment schedule can reduce your symptoms. Doctors advise using non-soap cleansers, moisturizing regularly with a rich and gentle cream, exfoliating with a gentle pad or cleansing cream, and taking warm showers instead of hot baths. 

Noticeable results can take weeks to months, so be patient and consistent in your treatment plan. Symptoms can return if you discontinue treatment: make sure you maintain a healthy skincare routine, even after your bumpy skin disappears. If your symptoms do not subside after implementing these skincare options, see your doctor or a dermatologist. He or she can recommend alternative methods to combat any residual inflammation or irritation, such as prescription creams containing corticosteroids or retinol or procedures like chemical peels or microdermabrasion. Please note that these treatments are alternative therapies: they may not be effective in all cases, and you may have to pay for them out-of-pocket.  

This article based on the "Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™".
Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™ is a digital program consisting of a completely safe, cheap and 100% NATURAL way to treat keratosis pilaris from the comfort of one's home.
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