Keratosis pilaris usually involves rough, spiky areas on the skin that may feel irritated or itchy. These areas are often the same color as your skin, but they can also become red during inflammation. If keratosis pilaris is affecting your face, the bumps may resemble acne or give you a flushed appearance. Additionally, affected areas of skin can also become dry and chapped, especially during winter and low-humidity seasons. Occasionally, coiled hairs are evident beneath the bumps, as they cannot push through to the surface of the skin and become trapped.
Keratosis pilaris can occur on any skin surface where hair grows, especially on extremities such as the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. The bumps are usually the size of a grain of sand, and they usually feel like sandpaper. Symptoms of this condition are often worse in the winter because of low humidity, which leads to dry skin and more obvious skin problems. Because keratosis pilaris has a strong genetic association, multiple members of a family will often demonstrate similar symptoms related to this condition. If your parents have keratosis pilaris, you have a much higher risk of developing this skin disorder at some point in your life, and you may want to consider taking preventative measures. Complications are rare, but may include inflammation or scarring in exceptional cases.
Many individuals with keratosis pilaris find that the affected patches of skin may appear unattractive. The majority of patients with this condition report that the rough, uneven texture of their skin has a poor cosmetic appearance overall. Usually, however, keratosis pilaris diminishes and may even disappear as patients reach mid-adulthood. Although keratosis pilaris is not curable, it is usually treatable. If you suspect you may be suffering from keratosis pilaris, see your family doctor or a dermatologist to determine the best way to treat your symptoms.
This article based on the "Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™".
Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™ is a digital program consisting of a completely safe, cheap and 100% NATURAL way to treat keratosis pilaris from the comfort of one's home.
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