The first home remedy to cure rosacea is the use of a gentle face cleanser. Usually cleansers are in liquid form. They should contain natural substances which remove all the dirt from a person's face. Aloe Vera is commonly used for this purpose. While preparing a natural cleanser, one should not use any ingredient to which his skin shows allergic reactions. Use of irritants is strictly prohibited in cleansers and moisturizers because they can cause flushing of skin. Face should be washed with these cleansers several times a day.
Second substance which can be used at home against rosacea is known as chamomile. Soaps and moisturizers containing this substance are always good for patients of this disease. It is an herb and has no side effects. Very rare ratio of people is allergic to this herb and hence, they should not use it.
Another very effective remedy against rosacea is cucumber. Use of cucumber in cleansers and moisturizers is advised because it thoroughly cleans the skin. Cucumber should be taken in excess in normal diet because it plays a very important role in nourishing of the skin. Placing cucumber slices on the skin may not be that much effective but still its value cannot be ignored. Patient can place cucumber slices on affected areas of his face and then tie them with the help of a ribbon. Patient can apply this technique at night and then remove the cucumber slices in the morning. It provides freshness to the skin and removes red color and swelling from the face.
Fenugreek tea has very positive effect on the skin. It is also used against adult acne. Rosacea patients should take it 3 to 4 times a day. It genuinely removes all pimples from face of the patient.
This article based on "The Rosacea Free Forever".
Rosacea Free Forever™ is a digital book that shows you how to cure rosacea in a few days.
This Rosacea Cure program consist of high quality content and illustrations written by professional writers in collaboration with experienced medical professionals that specialize in proriasis cures.
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