Although females are affected by keratosis pilaris more frequently than males are, researchers have not yet determined why this is the case. In both male and female patients, however, the symptoms of keratosis pilaris are similar in their location, extent, and severity. Most individuals with keratosis pilaris begin to display symptoms within the first 10 years of their life; symptoms often worsen during puberty in both males and females as well.
The rough bumpy patches that are commonly associated with keratosis pilaris are generally located on the outer side and back of the upper arms, on the thighs, and on the buttocks. Other affected areas can include the cheeks, and even in rare cases the scalp and eyebrows. These symptoms are due to the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein that guards your skin from harmful substances and potential infections. Because of this keratin buildup, plugs form at the opening of hair follicles, creating patches of bumpy, scratchy skin.
Although keratosis pilaris can be frustrating because of its unpleasant appearance or resistance to treatment, the condition is not usually serious and often resolves on its own. Many patients report a disappearance of their symptoms by age 30. If you are suffering from keratosis pilaris, see your doctor or a dermatologist. He or she will be able to suggest home remedies such as moisturizing regularly and exfoliating with a gentle, soap-free cleanser. Alternatively, he or she may also suggest prescription creams such as a topical corticosteroid or may recommend other procedures like laser therapy to reduce the effects of keratosis pilaris.
This article based on the "Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™".
Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever™ is a digital program consisting of a completely safe, cheap and 100% NATURAL way to treat keratosis pilaris from the comfort of one's home.
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