Migraines – The “Top Billing” of Headaches

If you suffer form very painful headaches and have done so since you were young, chances are you may suffer from migraines, which are often also experienced by other members of your family.
More often than not, a migraine only affects one side of the head. It usually causes miserable pain that can last anywhere from 4-72 hours if not treated, and typically requires you to take to your bed. An attack is debilitating and sufferers are usually left feeling crippled and exhausted after the head pain has passed.

Medical experts have yet to discover why for some people, there can be long periods without headache, and not others. Other symptoms, similar to those of flu, are experienced by the patient, like light sensitivity and chills, and a feeling of lightheadedness.

Normally, those who suffer from migraine attacks are between the ages of 10 to 40. No one knows why migraine happens in these age groups, but by the time someone reaches fifty, attacks almost never occur.

Members of the same family are often cursed with migraines and there is believed to be a hereditary link; however, science has not yet proved that there is, in fact, a genetic factor at work.

A condition that causes an inflammation of blood vessels in the brain is said to be a factor in migraine attacks. People with sensitivity in this area normally suffer from migraines. Also, women have a three times greater chance of having migraine, while men have an eight percent chance of suffering from the problem. Science can’t yet explain why this is so.

A distinct warning called an aura usually happens before the migraine attack by 10-30 minutes. Signs that you are experiencing the aura mostly involve the senses and can include:

Problems with vision
Reduction in the sensations of taste
Difficulty with verbal skills

This is only a short list, and other symptoms can and do happen. Migraines can also attack even without the aura, and builds up to an extreme intensity which is provoked more by continuous motion, light and noise, and often results in nausea and vomiting.

Some medical experts believe it is the contracting blood vessels that are responsible for the migraine with aura effect. It might be that it is the expansion of the blood vessels afterwards that causes the headache; those who are afflicted say the headache is often so intense that it impedes their regular routine, disrupting daily activity and often keeping them awake at night. You may experience one or more triggers with each attack. The most common complaints are bad weather, particular foods and beverages, being at great height, bright lights, insomnia and stress.

I have such compassion for those who suffer with migraines that I created a program to help eliminate them. The Migraine and Headache Relief program is a simple to use plan with astonishing results in reducing or completely eliminating the sharp pain of headaches.

You will be given easy to do exercises in my Migraine and Headache Relief Program, and it will only take you a few minutes a day to do. By doing the exercises, you won’t have to live with the constant threat of migraines.

Christian Goodman is a well known natural health researcher and the creator of the natural health alternatives blog. His latest work is the migraine headache treatment , which has now helped thousands of sufferers to eliminate of their migraines naturally.