It may seem that your knees ache so much that it’s not physically possible to “kick the bucket.” However, emerging research shows that more and more deaths are a direct result of arthritis.
- A Serious Problem
Arthritis is already known to be the most prevalent chronic disease in the world –affecting over half of all adults over the age of 55. More and more scientists are sounding the alarm over hospitalizations and premature deaths due to arthritis.
- Kills More People Than Heart Disease
If there’s one thing everyone knows about health, it’s that more people die from heart disease than any other cause. Or does it?
According to a study by Harvard University researchers that was recently published in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the rates of death for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) were more than double that of people without RA.
It gets even scarier. Many people with RA have a protein known as Rheumatoid Factor. This protein is a marker of how bad your arthritis is. Even without a blood test, if your RA causes you serious pain, you may have Rheumatoid Factor.
This same research team discovered that 9 out of every 10 people with Rheumatoid Factor died within the 2 years that they were being followed.
- How Arthritis Kills
Many arthritis experts are crying out for a earth shattering arthritis paradigm shift: arthritis isn’t just a disease –it’s a symptom of a disease too. In other words, people who are in tip-top shape generally don’t get arthritis.
People who do have arthritis, however, are significantly more susceptible to stroke, infections and heart attacks than the general public.
That’s why treating only arthritis –while ignoring overall health -- is a fool’s errand. Even people who treat their arthritis with medications die at the same rate as those who do nothing about their disease.
The bottom line is that you’ve got to holistically treat your arthritis if you want to reduce your risk of a visit from the Grim Reaper.
- Here’s How:
Lose Weight: All forms of arthritis dramatically improve by dropping those excess pounds. You’ll also be freefalling your risk of heart disease, diabetes and depression to boot.
Eliminate “Trigger Foods”: Secret trigger foods cause more cases of arthritis than your doctor would leave you to believe. Cutting these foods out can often silence the constant anguish of arthritis –without needing to do anything else.
Eat More Fish: The common denominator of all 100 forms of arthritis is inflammation. The powerful omega-3s in fatty fish like mackerel and salmon knock inflammation –and arthritis –down a few notches.
- Stop Arthritis, Save Your Life
If you’re looking for the most effective natural way to not just reduce –but completely cure- arthritis then order your copy of the Blue Heron Guide to Healing Arthritis today!
It’s a complete step-by-step plan to reversing arthritis in just 3 weeks. As you’ve just read, it won’t just knock out arthritis…it might even save your life!